# How to use it

# Prerequisites

theia-cli is a node.js application. To install and use it, you must have node.js and npm on your machine.

# Installation

To install theia-cli globally (executable from any terminal), run the following command:

npm install -g theia-cli

# Execute module

As explained in the introduction, the CLI works with modules. Each module implements a feature.

To execute a module, you must run the following command:

theia-cli [module] [options]

To know the list of modules, it is possible to use the following command:

theia-cli help

You can also consult the list of modules.

# Configuration

To work, the CLI needs several parameters, such as your API key. To avoid entering these parameters each time you use it, it is advisable to set them persistently using the theia-cli config command.

The configurable parameters are as follows:

Variable Definition Type
key Your API key String
environment The URL of your environment (https://elffe.theia.fr or https://side-sante.fr) String
exportPath The absolute path of the folder where you want to save the files exported by the CLI String
ratingScale The rating scale you want to use when exporting grades Number